History of Lambkins.net
The Lambkins.net site was created by Erich Oetting for organizing a reunion of the FCHS class of 1970. When he investigated available domain names, Lambkins.net was available and he knew there were advantages to having a strange and unique high school mascot. Once a LAMBKIN always a LAMBKIN!!!
Mission of Lambkins.net
Erich believed that finding classmates for FCHS reunions should not require costly commercial services. He set to work developing the Lambkins.net website where alumni can find classmates, view events and read about news from alumni.
The mission of Lambkins.net is clear. Create a medium where ALL Lambkins can engage in the spirit of being a Lambkin. Our Mission is two-fold, to promote 50-year alumni participation and show support for new FCHS graduates through the scholarship fund.
Vision of Lambkins.net
When Lambkins.net began its adventure to advertise the reunion of one class, it became clear that this powerful idea could work for the 50-Year Alumni Annual Brunch too. Later, more ideas came to the forefront like giving each 50-year class its own page and sub-pages.
Now the vision of Lambkins.net includes an invitation for all classes to view and interact with FCHS alumni. We wish to show we value FCHS alumni of all years.
Our Values
The Fort Collins High School Fifty-Year Alumni Association (FCHS 50-Year Alumni) Committee is responsible for monitoring and updating the Lambkins.net website. Visit the 50-Year Alumni page to learn more about the annual brunch and the scholarships given throughout the years. Peruse the individual classes that have added a Lost Lambkins page or uploaded photographs. Visit the Contact Us page to send updated information for your class. Surf Lambkins.net and watch for more pages and a fresh organization as we continue to construct a user-friendly website.
Your Lambkins.net Website team