1970 Deceased

10712889_927742113905472_1027957397235429615_nIf you find an error in this list or know of an addition or deletion please inform Bill Webster and he will take care of it. We plan on having a memorial board at the reunion. If you have photos or an obituary for any of our deceased classmates, please contact Brian Brooks.

Deceased List:

  1. Alex Munoz 2/1/2012
  2. Alice Benoit (Hallett) 5/1/2015
  3. Ann Walker 7/11/2012
  4. Augie Garza
  5. Don Gillming
  6. Barb Allen (Berquist) 9/1/2001
  7. Bob Rae 8/25/2015
  8. Bob Vanderwyk 7/1/1995
  9. Brady Alvin Smith
  10. Cindy Hoffman (Hamar) 12/8/2015
  11. Cathy Patrick 9/2017
  12. Christine Helmick
  13. Dean Jerebek
  14. Del Whittenauer 6/1/2015
  15. Don Koetters 11/13/2016
  16. Felix Valdez 11/1/2000
  17. George Collins
  18. Greg Keller 10/1/2001
  19. Jay Wendland 10/1/1982
  20. Jerry Layland
  21. Jerry Pope 3/1/2005
  22. Jim Devlin 9/14/2011
  23. Jim Viets 4/1/2004
  24. Jim Tipton 7/10/2019
  25. Joey Muniz 9/2007
  26. John Kramer
  27. John Rivera 8/1/2010
  28. Judy Pettigrew 10/1/2019
  29. Kay Wilson (Dunda)
  30. Ken Heisel 12/11/2015
  31. Kieth Belcher 10/1/1996
  32. Leon Moreno 9/1/1987
  33. Lester Felch 1987
  34. Libbey Patterson
  35. Mark Weiblehouse
  36. Mary Whalen
  37. Mike Gideon 8/1/2015
  38. Mark Phipps 6/18/2021
  39. Mike Ramierez
  40. Pat Tracy 5/1/2003
  41. Pat Napple 4/1/2015
  42. Randy Swain 7/14/2012
  43. Rex Dale 1/7/1981
  44. Richard Johns 9/27/2017
  45. Robert Storms
  46. Rod Nielson 7/1/2019
  47. Spence Bowen
  48. Steve Ravenscroft 3/1/1984
  49. Steve Furniss 6/1/2012
  50. Sue (Susan) Strine
  51. Susie Nix (Bennett) 7/21/2002
  52. Tom Strachan 1974
  53. Vickie Hoover (Wood)
  54. Warren Santistevan 9/5/2015

* – Brady Smith was not on class list, but his Obituary says he was a 1970 FCHS graduate.


Memorial photos at 1970 reunion.
Memorial photos displayed at 1970 Reunion.

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