Fort Collins High School – Home of the Lambkins


FCHS Class of 1974 is finalizing reunion plans for August 2-4, 2024.

Please visit/join our Facebook group for progress and details.

Fort Collins Lambkins Class of 1974 50th Year Reunion    

We’re finalizing the plans and still busy locating graduates.  If you’d like to be added to the “found” list, please contact or join us on Facebook.

2 thoughts on “1974

  1. Vic Cooper

    Hi, I was a student at FCHS in 71-72 and 72-73, but my final year (73-74) was at Rocky Mountain High School (and Voc-Tech 72-73 and 73-74). Are you having a joint 50 year reunion for Poudre/Ft, Collins/Rocky Mountain High Schools? If so, please provide details.

    1. Milan Hanson

      Sorry, I just now saw this! All three schools will gather Friday afternoon Aug 2 at Brothers Bar in downtown Fort Collins. Saturday night Aug 3 FCHS will dine at CSU’s Canvas Stadium while RMHS and PHS will dine at FC Country Club. RMHS grads like you, who spent underclass years at FCHS, have their choice of Saturday night events. Email me for complete details:

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